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Our Vision

Sustainable Travel

Tales Hotels Collection works only with hotels that take their environmental responsibilities seriously and have excellent green credentials. The properties listed on our website have been designed in harmony with the area where they’re located and implement eco-friendly practices to reduce their impact on the surroundings.

They also work closely with the local communities to protect the cultural heritage of the destination and support its economy.

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Tales Collection

A collection of unique hotels in some of the most beautiful travel destinations across Europe.

Tales Collection

Find a hotel like no other

Tales is a collection of unique hotels in some of the most beautiful travel destinations across Italy. We select only hotels that fully embrace the culture, traditions and habits of their location, while distinguishing themselves for their exceptional service and outstanding hospitality.

Unlike automated booking engines based on reviews and algorithms, we draw upon our extensive first-hand knowledge of the territory and deep community ties to present you only the best places that guarantee a truly immersive experience.

Our the key Features